Ребят, помогите, пожалуйста....

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем Fruktik, 19 фев 2010.

  1. Fruktik

    Fruktik New Member

    Ребят, помогите, пожалуйста. Киньте ответы. Катастрофически экстренно, в теме разбираться некогда. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passivetense.
  2. cagucT

    cagucT New Member

    1. A: That's a lovely shirt. Is it new? B: Yes. It.was bought for me by my grandmother.
    2. A: When do you have to have this report ready? B: Well, it must be handed it by Tuesday.
    3. A: Did you read the newspaper this morning? B: No. It…hadn't been delivered by the time I left for work.
    4. A: Where is your car? B: At the garage. It is  being repaired.
    5. A: Do you know your exam results yet? B: No. They haven't been announced yet.
    6. A: Are you going to make dinner tonight? B: No. It…will be made  by Simon. He promised to do it.
    7. A: Have you finished your homework yet? В: No, but it…will have been finished by eight o’clock.
    8. A: Who waters your plants for you when you’re away? B: They are watered by my neighbor.
    9. A: Who does the washing-up in your house? B: The dishes are washed by my brother and then they are dried by my sister.
    10. A: Why can’t I use your car? B: Because it…is being serviced at the moment. You can take Mum’s car if you want.
    11. A: Did you post the letters? B: No, they had been already posted by the time I came in.
    12. A: What will happen to the criminals? B: They will have been punished for their crimes.
    13. A: That’s a very pretty tablecloth. B: It was given to me last year for my birthday.
    14. A: Have you moved house yet? B: Yes. The last boxes have been  just moved
    15. A: Have you heard about Jack? B: Yes, he was promoted  to senior manager.

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