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Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем Astin, 2 мар 2010.

  1. Astin

    Astin New Member

    Переведите предложения с русского языка на английский, затем преобразуйте их в отрицательные и вопросительные. 1) Мы поедем в Италию через три недели. 2)Вчера Генри помог мне написать сочинение. 3) Моя тетя работает в детском саду. 4) Ее брат уже почистил свои ботинки. 5) Их друзья путешествуют по морю сейчас. 6) Они никогда не были во Франции.
  2. doom1000

    doom1000 New Member

    1) We will
    go to Italy in three weeks.

    We won`t go
    to Italy in three weeks.

    Will we go
    to Italy in three weeks?

    Yesterday Henry helped me to write a composition.

    Henry didn`t help me to write a composition.

    Did Henry
    help me to write a composition yesterday?

    3) My aunt
    works in the kindergarten.

    My aunt doesn`t
    work in the kindergarten

    Does my
    aunt work in the kindergarten?

    4) Her
    brother has already cleaned his boots.

    Her brother
    has not already cleaned his boots.

    Has her
    brother already cleaned his boots?

    5) Their
    friends are travelling across the sea now.

    friends are not travelling across the sea now.

    Are their
    friends travelling across the sea now?

    6) They have
    never been in France. (есть слово «never», предложение уже отрицательное)

    Have they never been in France?

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