Срочно надо перевести...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем __extra_, 4 мар 2010.

  1. __extra_

    __extra_ New Member

    Срочно надо перевести !!! 1. Толкни дверь посильнее ( harder ) , и она откроется . 2.Все уважали мистера Грина за его честность имудрость и думали , что он настоящий джентельмен
  2. Red_Ant

    Red_Ant New Member

    Push a door more feasibly (harder), and it will open.

    2  .  All respected Mr. Green for his honesty and wisdom and thought that he is the real gentleman

    3 . The Cinderella was the nice, modest and timid girl, but the stepmother didn't love it

    4   .   " Sometimes happens difficult to submit (to obey) to rules", - the judge declared 

    5 . America - the country of infinite plains, picturesque valleys, the savanna of majestic falls.

    6  .  I support your idea to thank this remarkable person for his fidelity and devotion

    7 . In this brisk city there are a lot of skyscrapers and million citizens.

    8 . The congress consists in total of 100 senators and 435 congressmen - members of the House of Representatives.

    9 . Brave people from a rescue service help those who got to trouble.

    10 . This mountain chain lasts to an ocean coast. It is very picturesque and attracts crowds of tourists

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