придумайте пять предложения...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем vintik, 5 мар 2010.

  1. vintik

    vintik New Member

    придумайте пять предложения используя IF. и пять предложения с WHEN . например : If the weather is bad , we will stay at home . заранееспасибо!
  2. miss_love_

    miss_love_ New Member

    If she phones me I will tell her the truth.
    If my parents let me I will go there.
    If she passes the exams well she will enter the university.
    Mum will make a cake if you buy some eggs.
    I won't go to the party if they don't invite me.
    When you arrive in London you will do the sights.
    When Dad comes home from work we will play chess.
    She will call me when she arrives.
    Granny will read to my little sister when she is in bed.
    We will buy a new car when we get the money.
    В придаточных предложениях условия (там где союз IF) и времени (где WHEN) глагол ставится в PRESENT SIMPLE, а в главном предложении - FUTURE SIMPLE.

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