Choose the correct...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем vita, 10 мар 2010.

  1. vita

    vita New Member

    Choose the correct explanation for the note: “WE NO LONGER ACCEPT PLASTIC BOTTLES. ONLY GLASS ONES CAN BE RECYCLED BY US”1) Both glass and plastic bottles are welcome for recycling here.
    2) In the past, it was possible to leave plastic as well as glass bottles.
    3) It is acceptable to exchange your glass bottles for plastic ones.
    4) You can leave only one plastic bottle at a time.
    5) The recycling centre is out of service at the moment.
  2. kaban IRISH

    kaban IRISH New Member

    2) In the past, it was possible to leave plastic as well as glass bottles.

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