Нужно вписать в...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем MuHyC, 19 мар 2010.

  1. MuHyC

    MuHyC New Member

    Нужно вписать в два столбика : :) (в чем хорош моб.телефон) :-( (и чем он вреден) ! Всё должно быть по английски! заранееспасибо!
  2. Wargan

    Wargan New Member

    You can carry a mobile phone with you so you don't miss important calls
    If you are lost, you can call for directions.
    If you are in an accident, you can call the police or ambulance - and if the phone has a camera, you can take pictures of the accident.
    You can listen to music, text, play games when you're bored.
    Most mobile phones have a calculator and a phone book.
    You can surf Internet & Connect with the whole world by Mobile.
    Keep in touch with friends and family
    Good for emergencies
    Phones have internet connection
    They have cameras
    You can check your emails
    It can fit in your pocket.
    You can connect even from other country to another by using roming serive

    They can damage your ears, eyes
    Mobile phones use electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range which are bad for our health

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