Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем Мебельные услуги!!!, 20 мар 2010.

  1. ПОМОГИТЕ ПЕРЕВЕСТИ ДИАЛОГ НА АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК. -Ты видела сегодня новости США? -нет ,а что ? призедентом США стал афроамериканецБарак оБама .Это большое достижение для афроамериканцев,ведь о них существует множество стереотипов.
  2. Lady-lo

    Lady-lo New Member

    -Did you see the news today the U.S.A?
    - No. So what? 
    -Prizedenta U.S.A.  was African American, Barack Obama. This is a great achievement for African Americans, because of them, there are many stereotypes.
    - Yes ,  indeed. Earlier thought that blacks slaves and they can't be rulers.
    - I'm very happy that  stereotype is destroyed
    -You still know the famous African Americans?
    -Yes, a lot of them.
    -But this color is not talking about whether or no key talent.
    -We are all equal this stereotype is simply irrelevant
    -Stereotypes are prevent many people to live happily
    -Stereotypes need to destroy , because now 21st Century.

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