6.Заполните пропуски в...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем skalp, 25 мар 2010.

  1. skalp

    skalp New Member

    6.Заполните пропуски в вопросительных предложениях глаголом have. Некоторые предложения построены в настоящем времени, некоторые –в прошедшем. 1.Why are you holding your face like that? 2. … a bicycle when you were a child? - 3. ….. the time, please? «Yes, it’s ten past seven».- 4.When you did the exam, … time to answer all the questions? 5. I need a stamp for this letter. …… one? 6. «It started to rain while I was walking home». «Did it? …….an umbrella?»
  2. jagadka

    jagadka New Member

    1. Why are you holding your face like that? 2. Did you have a bicycle when you were a child? - 3. Do we have  the time, please? «Yes, it’s ten past seven».- 4.When you did the exam, did you have time to answer all the questions? 5. I need a stamp for this letter.Do you have  one? 6. «It started to rain while I was walking home». «Did it? Did you have an umbrella?»
    1. Я не ученик. I am not a pupil. Я студент. I am a student. - 2.Его брат ученик. Он в школе.  His brother is a pupil. He is at school. - 3. Мои родители инженеры. Они на работе. My  parents are ingeneers. They are at work.  - 4. Вы доктор? - Нет, я учитель. Are you a  doctor?No. I am a teacher- 5. Твоя сестра ученица? - Нет, она инженер. Она на работе. Is your sister a pupil? No. she is an engineer. She is at work. 6 Ее сестра не секретарь. Она учитель. Her sister is not a secretary. She is a teacher. 7. Это врачи? - Нет, они летчики.  Are they doctors? No. they are pilots. 8. Ваша сестра дома? - Нет, она на работе.Is your sister in?  No. she is at work 9. Наш отец ученый.- Our father is a scientist.10. Его тетя не доктор. Она актриса. His aunt is not a doctor. She is an actress.- 11. Это моя книга. Она на столе. This is my book. It is on the table- 12. Мой двоюродный брат не ученый, он инженер. My cousin is  not a scientist. he is an engineer.13. Это картины. Они на стене. Картины очень красивые.These are pictures. They are on the wall. The pictures are very beautiful. 14. Моя бабушка пенсионерка. Она не на работе. Она дома. My grandmother is a pensioneer.She is not at work. She is at home 15. Ваши дети школьники? - Да, они школьники Are your children pupils? Yes. they are pupils.

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