Вставте слова! the...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем gellochka, 25 мар 2010.

  1. gellochka

    gellochka New Member

    Вставте слова! the best, cleverer, interesting , more beautifull,nicer,the longest,the funniest,big older 1.there are a lotof.....shops in London.
  2. LokI

    LokI New Member

    1.There are a lot of big shops in London.
      2.Peter is the funniest pupil in the class.
      3.Mr smith is cleverer than mr grey.
      4.I think than the monkey is the best animal.
      5.The elephant's nose is the longest  .
      6.I think Mary is more older than Sally.
      7.I think that the parrot is a beautiful  pet.
      8.This white puppy is nicer than that black one.
      9.What an interesting  story it is!

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