Напишите письмо,пожалуйста)100-140 слов..Your...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем Andriel, 30 мар 2010.

  1. Andriel

    Andriel New Member

    Напишите письмо,пожалуйста)100-140 слов..Your friend Sergio Tampiere lives in Italy,47900 Rimini,via A.Daria,4.10...I`ve been awarded a scholaship whichwill allow me to spend one month in a Cambridge language school.It`s a good opportunity for me to improve my English I think you`ll see some progress my letter soon. Be polite!Ask him 3 questions about school.Write his adress
  2. shlak

    shlak New Member

                                                                                                                             Sergio Tampiere 
                                                                                                                              Via A.Daria,
                                                                                                                             447900 Rimini,

    Dear Sergio,  
    I was very glad to hear from you. I haven't
    written for ages because of my sport activities. I took part in a serious completion so I had
    not much free time.
    It’s great
    that you have been awarded a scholarship. I am proud of you. So you will spend a
    whole month in a Cambridge language school. I wish I were there too because you
    see it`s a good opportunity for everyone  to improve their English. Well,  tell me please when you will leave. How will
    you get to Cambridge? Where will you live? Will anybody of your friends go with
    you? It’s very interesting to know much more about this language school.   I hope you will tell me everything about you
    trip and  I`ll see some progress in your English soon.

    That's all for me today. I have to go to a school
    Best regards to your family. 
    Write soon.   

    Yours Lena

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