ПОМОГИТЕ пожалуйста...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем Guard, 31 мар 2010.

  1. Guard

    Guard New Member

    ПОМОГИТЕ пожалуйста перевести текст на агнлийский ГРАМАТНО, а не со СЛОВОРЯ В ИНТЕРНЕТЕ!!!! Зарание ОГРОООМНОЕ СПАСИБО!!!!
  2. Фрося

    Фрося New Member

    Today, watching television - the most popular form of recreation for children . Some parents allow their children to spend at the screen countless hours to at least take a break and relax . And I have a question : " Why do so many people watch TV ? The satisfaction they get from this? "
    First , I outlined the pros .
    1) Before TV people looseness , sociable, are in a good mood.
    2) Tv cognitive nature broadens the mind . For example, thanks to the TV, you can explore nature ;
    3) They allow you to have fun, avoid boredom , to forget about the problems and concerns ;
    4) Thanks to television shows we are always on the ball, just get the information and various tips ;
    But television has its drawbacks :
    Watching television affects the emotional state of the person.
    TV viewing in children very quickly the excitement of the nervous system , there is an unnecessary load on the mind and vision , fatigue , and even the appearance of phobias , especially if the genre of TV programs is not controlled by adults.
    Television deprives a child of necessary outdoor games in the fresh air, the development of various forms of creativity .
    High risk of leaving a baby in an imaginary world , because the child takes all shown on television for reality.
    What to do?
    The parent must submit himself a child a positive example .
    Do not place the TV in the children's room .
    3) Do not turn on the television during meals
    But the optimal solution to this situation - is to set a limit on TV viewing for kids , based on their age.
     Today, watching television - the most popular form of recreation for children . Some parents allow their children to spend at the screen countless hours to at least take a break and relax . And I have a question : " Why do so many people watch TV ? The satisfaction they get from this? "
    First , I outlined the pros .
    1) Before TV people looseness , sociable, are in a good mood.
    2) Tv cognitive nature broadens the mind . For example, thanks to the TV, you can explore nature ;
    3) They allow you to have fun, avoid boredom , to forget about the problems and concerns ;
    4) Thanks to television shows we are always on the ball, just get the information and various tips ;
    But television has its drawbacks :
    Watching television affects the emotional state of the person.
    TV viewing in children very quickly the excitement of the nervous system , there is an unnecessary load on the mind and vision , fatigue , and even the appearance of phobias , especially if the genre of TV programs is not controlled by adults.
    Television deprives a child of necessary outdoor games in the fresh air, the development of various forms of creativity .
    High risk of leaving a baby in an imaginary world , because the child takes all shown on television for reality.
    What to do?
    The parent must submit himself a child a positive example .
    Do not place the TV in the children's room .
    3) Do not turn on the television during meals
    But the optimal solution to this situation - is to set a limit on TV viewing for kids , based on their age.

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