Помогите пожалуйсто!!! письмо...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем Rosomaha, 2 апр 2010.

  1. Rosomaha

    Rosomaha New Member

    Помогите пожалуйсто!!! письмо школьному другу за рубежом.
  2. wonder^

    wonder^ New Member

      I was happy to receive your
    letter. It was so interesting for me to read your news!
       In your letter
    you ask me about my preference related to the cinema. Of course, I'm
    fond of films and I often watch them in the cinema. It's a great
    pleasure to enjoy a good film! As a rule, my friends and I go to the
    cinema twice a month. Last week we saw "Puss in Boots". It was a funny
    cartoon and we laughed a lot. My dream is to watch old silent movies.
    they aren't on at the cinema nowadays.
     Sorry, I have to go to
    the shop now. Keep in touch.

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