Все писать не...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем SHAKAL, 29 мар 2010.


    SHAKAL New Member

    Все писать не буду,только где вставить надо.Fill in the gaps.
    So i went over to her and asked in a very ___________ may:"Why don`t you play with the other students?She said:"The ball is too heavy for me,I`m not as ___________ as the others." I smilled and said : "I saw you run really _______. You should be a junge!" And I gave her a whistle.She smilled : "So ________ of you.Thanks!"And she started running and playing with the others.We all had a lot of fun.After the lesson my teacher said :"Well done.You are very___________."
  2. ifrench

    ifrench New Member

    So I went over to her and asked in a very friendly way: "Why
    don`t you play with the other students? She said: "The ball is too heavy
    for me, I'm not as strong as the others". I smilled and said : "I
    saw you run really fast. You  should be a judge!" And I gave her a
    whistle. She smilled: "So kind of you. Thanks!" — And she started
    running and playing with the others.We all had a lot of fun.After the
    lesson my teacher said :"Well done.You are very responsible."

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