Вставьте нужные слова....

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем Kanstantsin, 17 мар 2010.

  1. Kanstantsin

    Kanstantsin New Member

    Вставьте нужные слова. 1) Gary is the ( better, best )singer. 2) Cindy ( win, won ) the rase and she was very happy. 3) You ( have to, has to ) wear auniform. 4) How ( many, much ) butter do you need ? 5) (Must, May ) i play outside, please? 6) He ( goes, is going ) shopping every Friday. 7) Jack is going to ( travelling, travel ) to Italy this summer. 8) Larry came home half an hour ( ago, last ) . 9) You ( must, mustn,t ) clean your teeth three times a day. 10) ( You did, Did you ) buy that dress at Tesco,s ?
  2. eska

    eska New Member

    1. best
    2. won
    3. have to
    4. much
    5. may
    6. goes
    7. travel
    8. ago
    9. mustn't
    10. did you

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