Докончи предложения по...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем leshasmokot, 11 фев 2010.

  1. leshasmokot

    leshasmokot New Member

    Докончи предложения по образцу.The children can jump ,but they don*t like to jump.1)Nick can ride a bike,but............2)My mother can swim in theswimming pool,but............3)Little Polly can dance,but............
  2. cotman

    cotman New Member

    1) Nick can ride a bike, but he doesn't like to ride a bike.
    2) My mother can swim in the swimming pool, but she doesn't like to swim in the swimming pool.
    3) Little Polly can dance, but she doesn't like to dance. 

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