Задания к тексту:...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем tanisa, 27 янв 2010.

  1. tanisa

    tanisa New Member

    Задания к тексту: . Допишите предложения, используя информацию из текста. 1. A bond is …

    2. Interest paid on bond is …

    Issuing too much stock …



    ISSUING BONDS. A bond is a written promise to pay a
    specific amount of money at a certain date in the future or periodically over
    the course of a lo an, during which time interest is paid at a fixed rate on
    specified dates. Should the holder of the bond wish to get back money before
    the note is due, the bond may be sold to someone else. When the bond reaches
    “maturity”, the company promises to pay back

    the principal at its face value.

    Bonds are desirable for the company because the
    interest rate is lower than in most other types of

    – borrowing. Also, interest paid on bonds is a tax
    deductible business expense for the corporation. The disadvantage is tha t
    interest payments ordinarily are made on bonds even when no profits are earned.
    For this reason, a smaller corporation can seldom raise much capital by issuing

    SALES OF COMMON STOCK. Holders of bonds have lent
    money to the company, but they have no voice in its affairs, nor do they share
    in profits or losses. Quite the reverse is true for what are known as “equity”
    investors who buy common stock. They own shares in the corporation and have
    certain legal rights including, in most cases, the right to vote for the board
    of directors who actually manage the

    company. But they receive no dividends until interest
    payments are made on outstanding bonds.

    If a company’s financial health is good and its assets
    sufficient, it can create capital by voting to iss

    ue additional shares of common stock. For a large
    company, an investment banker agrees to guarantee the purchase of a new stock
    issue at a set price. If the market refuses to buy the issue at a minimum
    price, the banker will take them and absorb the loss. Like printing paper
    money, issuing too much stock diminishes the basic value of each share.
  2. Robokop

    Robokop New Member

    1. A bond is … a written promise to pay a
    specific amount of money at a certain date in the future or periodically over
    the course of a lo an, during which time interest is paid at a fixed rate on
    specified dates.
    2. Interest paid on bond is a tax
    deductible business expense for the corporation. 
    3. Issuing too much stock diminishes the basic value of each share. 

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