Закончить вопрос :....

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем Bl0ndinka, 18 янв 2010.

  1. Bl0ndinka

    Bl0ndinka New Member

    Закончить вопрос :.
    a fine day, …?

    are studying English, …?

    has a new car,…?

    were in England last year, …?

    can speak English, …?

    could understand me, …?

    must do the work, …?
    will write to me, …?.He
    gives a lesson every day, …?

    . You read modern writers, …?

    They gave her a clock, …?. You went to the theatre, …?

    . I wrote to you, …?

    . He speaks English, …?

    She has done her homework, …?

    must work harder, …?

    My friend plays football, …?
  2. Flying

    Flying New Member

    1. isn't it?
    2. aren't you?
    3. doesn't she?
    4. weren't you?
    5.  can't he?
    6. couldn't you?
    7. must not they?
    8. won't you?
    9. doesn't he?
    10. don't you?
    11. didn't they?
    12. didn't you?
    13. didn't I?
    14. doesn't he?
    15. hasn't she?
    16. must not he?
    17. don't they?

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