Закончи разговор между...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем <<Nik>>, 17 фев 2010.

  1. <<Nik>>

    <<Nik>> New Member

    Закончи разговор между покупателем (С) и продавцом (А). А: Can I ... you? С: Show me the ... , please. А: Here ... ... . С: I like the ... . How much... ... ? А: 35 pounds. С: Thank you. Bye. А: ...
  2. Negative

    Negative New Member

    A: Can I help you?
    B: Show me the blue jacket.
    A: Here it is.
    B: I like the jacket. How much does it cost?
    A: 35 pounds.
    B:Thank you. Bye.
    A.You are welcome. Goodbye.

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