Заполни пропуски в...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем Flyde, 15 мар 2010.

  1. Flyde

    Flyde New Member

    Заполни пропуски в тексте употребив данные глаголы в Past Simple be watch not/enjoy leave decide take fall 1.Last night, we didn'tanything special to do ,so we 1)______ to watch TV.The first programme 2)_____ terrible - we 3 )_____ it at all. The next programme we 4)_____ was much better. It was about a girl who 5)_______ from a plane into the jungle . Some people found her and 6)_______ her to their village. After several weeks , some English people fund her. When she 7)_____ ,the villagers were very sorry to see her go.
  2. NuclearDIVA

    NuclearDIVA New Member

    1.Last night, we didn't have anything special to do ,so we 1) decided to watch TV.The first programme 2)was terrible - we  3 )didn't enjoy it at all. The next programme we 4)watched  was much better. It was about a girl who 5)fell from a plane into the jungle . Some people found her and 6)took her to their village. After several weeks , some English people fund her. When she 7)left ,the villagers were very sorry to see her go.

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