Из Пассивный залога...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем Белка Нюша, 15 янв 2010.

  1. Белка Нюша

    Белка Нюша New Member

    Из Пассивный залога в Активного залог: 1) John R.R. Tolkien wrote his fomous novel "The Lord of the Rings in 1965" 2) In Bangladesh peoplecelebrate New Year in April.
  2. SMUTA

    SMUTA New Member

    1- The Lord of the Rings was written by John R.R. Tolkien in 1965.
    2- New Year is celebrated in April byt the Bangladesh people.
    3- The boy said:"The prize will be won by our team."
    4- English is spoken by most people in the country.
    5- Computers are used at the lessons by the students.
    6- This unforgettable landscape was painted by Joseph Turner.
    7- His new book will be published by the writer next year.

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