Из данных предложений...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем Aikon_Sigumo, 1 янв 2010.

  1. Aikon_Sigumo

    Aikon_Sigumo New Member

    Из данных предложений сделать предложения,в косвенной речи. 1)Remember that there are some subjects that are so important that everyonehas to study them seriously.

    PODVOH New Member

    1. he asked to remember that there were some subjects that were so important that everyone had to study them seriously.
    2. he asked to make a list of my skills and interests.
    3. she asked to match my interests and abilities with subjects i was going to study.
    4. he asked to get key skills that employers wanted to see in their empoyees.
    5. не знаю
    6. he asked to get information about the courses that were offered by my school.
    7. не знаю
    8. she asked to discuss my choices with my relatives. 
    9. не знаю

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