Как правильно выглядит...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем olevelayaEm, 14 янв 2010.

  1. olevelayaEm

    olevelayaEm New Member

    Как правильно выглядит перевод из прямой речи в косвенную следующего предложения? She said to him, “I went to the shopyesterday”?
    1.She said to him (that) she had gone to the shop the day before.
    2.She told him (that) she had gone to the shop yesterday.
    3.She told him (that) she had gone to the shop the day before.
    4.She said to him (that) he went to the shop the day before.
  2. bear

    bear New Member

    2.Она сказала ему (что) она ушла в магазин вчера.

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