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Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем yul54447694, 27 фев 2010.

  1. yul54447694

    yul54447694 New Member

    Мне надо составить письмо про Волгоград не меньше 120 слов
  2. Celticc

    Celticc New Member

    There are many Hero-Cities in our country. Vol-
    gograd is one of them.It's a legendary city, because here in
    1943 the Soviet Army won the great and glorious victory over
    the fascists.  It stands on the banks of the great Russian river Volga. Every year thou-
    sands of tounsts come to Volgograd. They want to visit
    the famous historical places ot our city to honour the memory
    of those soldiers, who died here for the freedom of our coun-
    try. The symbol of Volgograd Is the Mamayev Hill. There
    was the centre of fighting during the heroic defence of Stalin-
    grad. Now there is a great memorial there. Besides,
    there is the Stalingrad Battle Panorama Museum just on the
    bank of the Volga. Near this Museum we can see the ru-
    ined mill which was a command post during the battle.  In
    the centre of Volgograd there is the Square of the Fallen He-
    roes. In the middle of it there is a granite obelisk and the
    common craves of the heroes of the Civil War and of the Great
    Patriotic War. At the foot of the memorial we can see the
    Eternal Flame. Now Volgograd is a big industrial city.
    There are many plants and factories there: big metallurgical
    works, tractor works, a lot of chemical enterprises, a shoe-
    making factory and others. Volgograd is a city of students.
    There are some institutes and one university and quite a
    number of schools, technical schools, colleges and gymnasi-
    ums there. Volgograd is a big cultural centre. There are
    some theatres there: a New Experimental theatre, a Musical
    Comedy theatre, a Puppet theatre, a Theatre of Young Spec-
    tators. Volgograd-great city and it should be visited at least once!

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