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Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем Stasik, 5 фев 2010.

  1. Stasik

    Stasik New Member

    Надо объяснить значение слов на английском языке-предложением ,(слово объяснять от формы инфинитива): dating wondered about chefscaterers
  2. LM_1990

    LM_1990 New Member

    Очень долго делала!Надеюсь помогла.  
     wondered about
    1)Wondered about what kind of book to read 
    2)I have a chef who prepares delicious
    3)In the dining room provide catering.
    film sets
    4)I like to see a large set of movies.
    eating habits
    5)I'm fine eating habits
    constantly on a diet
    6)Because of the fact that I'm fat, I'm constantly on a diet.
    insist on filming
    7)Many directors insist on shooting
    8)Steamed is the figurative meaning of the word worry
    worry about
    9)Worry about the baby I love
    10)I dont know what a fixed
    complain about
    11)You can complain to the cafe staff or police
    12)All people can sit.
    13)Snack usually after drinking alcohol 

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