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Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем Breaker, 18 мар 2010.

  1. Breaker

    Breaker New Member

    Найдите ошибку 1 I usually visit my grandparents three times the week. 2 -Who have got a question? - We have 3 There is notcheese on the table
  2. ЯросЛев

    ЯросЛев New Member

    i usually vivsit my parents for  three times a week.
    does anybody have questions?/ has somebody got a questions? - we have
    there isn't any cheese on the table. i shall to be at home at 8 o'clock tomorrow.
    what did she gave to you? - a book
    has she got a large family?
    nobody liked the game.
    her eyes are blue and her hair is black.
    Запомни это на всегда!)

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