Напишите вопросы используя...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем OptimaL, 9 мар 2010.

  1. OptimaL

    OptimaL New Member

    Напишите вопросы используя вопросительные слова в скобках.1)I saw an old friends last week. (Who)
    2) Tom has got a radio .(What)
    3) Jane cleans her room once a week . (How often)
    4)He works in a bank.(Where)
    5) I left school ten years ago.(When)
    6)Jill goes to the cinema once a moth.(How often)
    7)I have been a teacher for ten years.(How long)
    8) Mike is going to cut the grass.(What)
    9) I am happy because I am going to Disneyland. (Why)
  2. genius313

    genius313 New Member

    1. Who saw an old friends last week?
    2. What has Tom got? 
    3. How often does Jane clean her room?
    4. Where does he work?
    5. When did I leave school?
    6. How often does Jill go to the cinema?
    7. How long have I been a teacher?
    8. What is Mike going to do?
    9. Why am I happy?

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