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Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем Dinka, 7 янв 2010.

  1. Dinka

    Dinka New Member

    Напишите пожалуйста сочинение на тему ... СТРАШНОЕ ПРОИШЕСТВИЕ НА КАРНАВАЛЕ
  2. VooDoo

    VooDoo New Member

    The city passed a cheerful carnival with dancing, music and carousels. Mickey moonlighting there vendor hot dogs. However, hot dogs Mickey was not quite normal. They knew how to sing. The main highlight of the entertainment was a dance carnival Minnie. And of course, that Mickey could not pass by such a beautiful party and decided to meet her. And it turned out this way: Minnie could smell hot sausages and wanted to buy one hot dog.Mikki said that money will not take it, but willing to entertain a great Minnie just. When Minnie wanted to eat my sandwich, sausage and Minnie ran away to stay hungry. Deciding to redeem himself, Mickey came in the evening to Minnie van with a guitar and two cats to perform for her beautiful serenade. All went well until the owner woke up and drove carnival Mickey with his singers away. Here is the incident happened at the carnival with Mickey.

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