Напишите сочиненяе о...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем umpalump@, 24 фев 2010.

  1. umpalump@

    umpalump@ New Member

    Напишите сочиненяе о зимних каникулах, где то 20 предложений на английском)Заранее спасибо.
  2. vlad_2008

    vlad_2008 New Member

    I like the winter, there are so many different interesting activities and right now, I'll tell you about them! I love sledding is my favorite pastime, you slide down and the wind blowing in your face and snowflakes serves beauty!You can play with friends and snowballs. Lie on the snow and make angel too. But my favorite pastime is to sculpt the snowman is a lot of fun! But after all these joys I love to sit down, muffled under the blanket to activate the телевизок and drink tea. So I love spending the winter!

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