Напишите что вы...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем FOPyM4AHE_nETyXu, 8 янв 2010.

  1. FOPyM4AHE_nETyXu

    FOPyM4AHE_nETyXu New Member

    Напишите что вы (и ваша семья) делали в выходные.Используйте:
    Visit friends, go shopping, listen to music, clean the flat, go to the dacha, play sport, go to the theatre/ cinema, watch TV, play computer games, read books/ magazines / newspaper, go out with friends; go sightseeing.
  2. sapojnik

    sapojnik New Member

    I am going to go to the theatre with my mother on Sunday.My family is going to go sightseeing on Sunday. I am going to help my mother to clean the flat on Saturdat.We are going to watch TV on Sunday.I am going to play computer games on Sunday evenung.I and my father are going to go to the datcha on Sunday.

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