Нужно написать о...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем oper29, 29 янв 2010.

  1. oper29

    oper29 New Member

    Нужно написать о своем любом дне на неделе. почему вы его любите и что делаете утром, днем, вечером. На английском! Напишите пожалуйста!
  2. Pitsko_AV

    Pitsko_AV New Member

    My favorite day of the week Tuesday. Why does he like? Because on this day I have more free time. I can play with friends, go to any extra-curricular activities and so on.  On the morning of the day always starts off well. A good workout, breakfast trek to school. After lunch, rest, walk, chat with friends. And in the evening, homework, help around the house parents, and again the night

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