Нужно составить3 коротких смски друзьям на английском(С ЭЛЕМЕНТАМИ СОКРАЩЕНИЙ) Например! : Hi Pete.Can`t come 2 drama club 2nite.Can u tell Mr Barnes? Thanks! Amy(ЭТО ОДНО ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЕ)
Hi,Lili. afair u should come 2 fair 2orrow @ 7 a.m. Cul8r. John / Hi,Lili. As Far As I Know you should come tomorrow at 7 a.m. See you later Hi, John. Ms Green cum 2day. Cnt u w8 4 me? h2cus. Lera. /Hi, John. Ms Green comes today.Cant you wait me? Hope to see you soon. Lera./ Hi, Lera. Wht l u do 4 xmas? BTW thx 4 ur invitatin. il b there @ 5. Harry. /Hi, Lera. What will yoy do for christmas? By the way thank you for the invitation/ I will be there at 5 o'clock. Вот, что получилось. Если мало, то простите))