Образуйте пассивный залог1....

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем Savok, 3 янв 2010.

  1. Savok

    Savok New Member

    Образуйте пассивный залог1. Thomas A. Edison invented the electric bulb in the seventeenth century.

    2. They water the flowers regularly.

    3. The famous ballet dancers will stage this ballet in 15 countries.

    4. D. Livingston explored the Kalahari Desert from 1841 till 1852.

    5. The boys will paint the roof of the house.
  2. Movieroom

    Movieroom New Member

    1. The
    electric bulb was invented by Thomas A. Edison in the seventeenth century.
     2. The flowers are watered regularly by them.
     3. This ballet will be staged in 15 countries
    by the famous ballet
     4. The Kalahari Desert was explored from 1841
    till 1852 by D. Livingston.
     5. the roof of the house will be painted by the

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