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Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем Miledi, 1 янв 2010.

  1. Miledi

    Miledi New Member

    Опишите свой школ по англиский. Не менее 20 предложении.
  2. Chaika

    Chaika New Member

                                                                     My school.
    1.Duzhe 2 More great she is very beautiful 3 It has many classes 4 My school is divided into senior and junior building 5 yet it has 6 dining there is still Stillwater it too big 7Moya School mae three floors 8 windows in it plastic 9 yet there is an assembly hall he is still a great 10 gym it high and long is still 11 m * yahkyy room it's small and low 12 My school outside covered with tiles 13 in my school have a table and her photos of children who are proud schools 14 there is a medical item

    Отметь мне лучшее решение,пожалуйста , и тебе пункты прибавятся.

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