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Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем JTGraf, 1 фев 2010.

  1. JTGraf

    JTGraf New Member

    Переведите предложения: 1 Вчера к 3 часам они были в другом городе. 2 Ты часто звонишь своим друзьям в Нью - Йорк? 3 Они не играютв футбол сейчас а слушают радио.
  2. Ендру

    Ендру New Member

    1. They had been in ahother city by 3 o'clock yesterday
    2. How often do you call your friends in New York?
    3. They aren't playing futball now, but they are listening to the radio.
    4. He doesn't like to talk whith strangers.
    5. Have you already thought where will you spend your holiday?
    6. Dad will have repaired the car by the end of dinner.
    7. We are been thinking of this task for 2 hours.
    8. They had never seen early so many elephants!
    9. There is alwayes a lot of tourists in this time here
    10/  Theodore Dreiser is one of the most significant 20-century writers.
    Если ничего не набедокурила- то так

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