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Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем faz2, 20 фев 2010.

  1. faz2

    faz2 New Member

    Перепишите предложения, вставив артикли a / an или the, где необходимо. 1. We decided to postpone (1) … party for (2) … week.
    2. John Mortimer has written six plays on (3) … life of Shakespeare.
    3. It was (4) … ugly house with too many passages and (5) … glass porch.
    4. Pete is (6) … friend of Greg’s.
    5. James Bond took (7) … blue leather notebook out of his inside pocket and turned (8) … leaves.
    6. Suddenly there was (9) … crash; (10) … ship had struck (11) … rock.
    7. (12) … boy was going to swim to (13) … empty boathouse because it помогите пожалуйста
  2. alien78

    alien78 New Member

    1. We decided to postpone (1) the party for (2) a week.
    2. John Mortimer has written six plays on (3) the life of Shakespeare.
    3. It was (4) an ugly house with too many passages and (5) a glass porch.
    4. Pete is (6) a friend of Greg’s.
    5. James Bond took (7) a blue leather notebook out of his inside pocket and turned (8) the leaves.
    6. Suddenly there was (9) a crash; (10) the ship had struck (11) a rock.
    7. (12) the boy was going to swim to (13) an/the empty boathouse because it ?????

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