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Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем @rtush@, 13 мар 2010.

  1. @rtush@

    @rtush@ New Member

    Подставить к словам хвостики 1 Many people in Russia don't even know that there are several special occasions in the Russian celebrations calendar, ? 2Easter is the most important Christian holiday in Russia, ? 3 People shouldn't forget some important dates connected with the history of the country, ? 4 A foreigner will always find an interesting occasion to celebrate in Russia, ? 5 Russian Winter Festivals attract many tourists to Russia, ? 6 There are new special occasions in the Russian celebrations calendar, ?
  2. 7floor

    7floor New Member

    1. do they?
    2. isn't it?
    3. should they?
    4. won't he?
    5. don't they?
    6. aren't they?

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