Пожайлуста, помогите написать...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем seal, 5 мар 2010.

  1. seal

    seal New Member

    Пожайлуста, помогите написать письмо, о том, как вам удалось разрешить конфликт Dear Frank, I would like to tell you now Iresolved a conflict. The conflict was between / about... To solve I did the following: ... I hope my experience will be useful for your readers. All the best, ...
  2. Fumoffu

    Fumoffu New Member

    Dear Frank, I would like to tell you now I resolved a conflict. The conflict was between me and my mother. I like listening to music very loudly. It helps me to relax. But she hates it. To solve my mother did the following: she went to tha shop and bye me good headphones. So now i can listen to music very loudly and my mother hears nothing. it is cool!  I hope my experience will be useful for your readers. All the best, your friend Lucy.

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