Пожалуйста!!!! Сочинение на...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем belyj_nindzia, 4 мар 2010.

  1. belyj_nindzia

    belyj_nindzia New Member

    Пожалуйста!!!! Сочинение на английском "Весенние каникулы" 10 предложений...СПАСИБО ТЕМ ктооткликнится!!!
  2. Pirat-Norb

    Pirat-Norb New Member

    As any pupil I like holidays. It*s a pity but spring holidays are too short- only a week. Usually I spend it at home in the city. So happened in March. The weather was not very good and sunny as everybody expected it to be. Thats why I stayed in reading books for our literature lessons and doing my homework. I spoke over the phone too much. On week ends we went to the cinema. We saw a very interesting film. We  walked in the park and went shoping. Several times we went to the cafe. Of course. every day I watched TY. played computer games and chatted with my friends in the Inthernet. I  had an opportunity to get up late- it was my dream!

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