Помогите!!!!!!!!!!!! Нужно написать...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем valentin, 15 фев 2010.

  1. valentin

    valentin New Member

    Помогите!!!!!!!!!!!! Нужно написать сочинение из 10 предложений на тему "как распознать настоящегодруга"
  2. KoMaTo3

    KoMaTo3 New Member

    A real friend is always ready to help.
    You can call him at any time even at night.
    He will never betray.
    A real friend accepts you as you are.
    He always tells you the truth.
    A real friend always support you even if you are not right.
    A real never laughs at you even if you are funny. 
    A real friend can put you in a good mood.
    A real friend knows everything about you.
    Yuo can tell a secret to him and he never tells others.

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