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Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем Я _ Другая, 31 мар 2010.

  1. Я _ Другая

    Я _ Другая New Member

    Помогите выполнить, пожалуйста:Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола в Past Simple/Indefinite Tense:

    1.​ I (to go)
    to bed at ten o'clock yesterday.

    2.​ Last
    night he (to wash) his face with soap and water.

    3.​ We (not
    to rest) yesterday.

    4.​ My
    brother (not to drink) coffee yesterday.

    5.​ My mother
    always takes a bus to get to work, but yesterday
    she (not to take) a bus. Yesterday she (towalk) to her office.

    6.​ Last week
    she (to write) a funny story about her pet.

    7.​ You (to
    tell) your mother the truth about the money?

    9.​ Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу
    модальными глаголами: can, may, must (have to)

    1.​ What ...
    I offer you for dessert?

    2.​ We ...
    recommend you for dinner beefsteak with mashed potatoes, hot pot, and stewed
    meat with vegetables.

    3.​ ... I
    come in?

    4.​ ... I ask
    you a question? - Yes, you ...
  2. muant

    muant New Member

    1. I went to bed at ten o'clock yesterday.
    2. Last night he washed his face with soap and water.
    3. We didn't rest yesterday.
    4. My brother didn't drink coffee yesterday.
    5. My mother always takes a bus to get to work, but yesterday she didn't take a bus. Yesterday she walked to her office.
    6. Last week she wrote a funny story about her pet.
    7. Did you tell your mother the truth about the money?


    1. What do I have to offer you for dessert?
    2. We can recommend you beefsteak with mashed potatoes, hot pot, and stewed meat with vegetables for dinner.
    3. May I come in?
    4. Can I ask you a question? — Yes, you can.

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