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Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем sexyby, 31 янв 2010.

  1. sexyby

    sexyby New Member

    Помогите надо ответить на вопросы)) 1)Do you bring your textbooks with you every time you come to classes? 2)Give an example of a placewhere it is hot (cold) all the time.
  2. mprog

    mprog New Member

    1)Yes, i bring my textbooks with me every time i come to classes.(yes, I do)
    3)Когда ты последний раз путешествовал(сам ответь, я не знаю =)) Напр. Two years ago i went travelling.
    4)I usually chat with my friends(или что-то другое напиши)
    5)I'm going to (go)visit cinema
    6)Yes, i did(Yes, i came)
    7)I learned how to speak many years ago
    8)I would like to go play football with my friends
    9)I think, that playing computer games is a way we are wasting the time.
    10)I have no time have fun with my friends, because of school

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