Помогите написать небольшой...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем alexputik, 12 янв 2010.

  1. alexputik

    alexputik New Member

    Помогите написать небольшой текстик 3-4 предложения на тему " я хочу изобрести машинувремени"
  2. wendeTTa

    wendeTTa New Member

    I want to invent a time machine. I will be able to move in time. If I will make the time machine, I will visit well-known people of the others centuries. For example, I will see the kings who ruled many centuries ago. I want to help the men with the using of  the time machine. I will be able to cure illnesses which couldn't be cured at that time. 

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