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Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем D..i..m..a, 1 мар 2010.

  1. D..i..m..a

    D..i..m..a New Member

    Помогите написать сочинение на английском языке плииз Вот задание :: "Напишите об одном изваших семейных торжеств (день рождения, день рожденияваших родственников, Рождество""
  2. Sebb

    Sebb New Member

    I love winter, because this time comes a special, a little magic, a wonderful celebration of Christmas. I can not say that our family follows all the rituals and traditions, but try to make this day really was the holiday of our family. On the eve of holidays, we decorate our room home decorations made of solomynok. Near the window frames and doors touches delicate straw tick - they protect the house from evil spirits, which at the holidays is especially dangerous. Before Christmas preparing rich, mostly of twelve dishes, dinner, cook kutyu. And I rozuchuyu carols. This velychalni songs, which sound suggestions for people in the new year of happiness, health, rich harvest and prosperity.

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