Помогите перевести,учебник Английский...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем dimyshek, 1 янв 2010.

  1. dimyshek

    dimyshek New Member

    Помогите перевести,учебник Английский в фокусе стр.23 №3,перевод большого текста....помогите ,а то меня родители и учительницаубьёт.!!!!!
  2. feeria

    feeria New Member

    Spotlight 9 - English in focus for 9 of comprehensive schools is the continuation of a series of English in focus (Spotlight) for primary school. CBM is designed for 3 hours a week (90 hours of classroom work and 12 reserve lessons). Textbooks included in the Federal list of textbooks approved by the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation to use in comprehensive institutions for 2009/2010 academic year.
    The main characteristics of the curriculum for grades 5-9:
    - authenticity of a significant part of the language materials;
    - adequacy of methodological apparatus goals and traditions of the Russian school;
    - interactivity, conclusion student beyond a textbook;
    - individual orientation of the content of training materials;
    - inclusion of the native language and culture;
    - educational and developmental value of the materials, opportunities for socialization of the students.

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