The cheerful summer ended. September became the full owner in the nature. In the morning and at night it becomes unusually cold. Only in the afternoon still warms the sun, tries to remind us about summer. After wearisome long work fields have a rest. Golden gardens already presented to owners the crop. Everywhere cool whiff of fall is felt. In the gray sky low clouds even more often began to appear. There is a drizzle. The wood costs silent and sad, apparently, that it reflected. Trees should undress, dump absolutely the heavy dress soon, and further and to substitute blizzard branches. Orange leaves slowly turn in air. Thin osinka sadly creak on an edge, yet without having tested a long prewinter dream. Round a mouldering stub harmonous honey agarics grow. There is a lot of mushrooms, and everyone and asks for a basket. Magnificent red clusters the mountain ash drooped. The green grass became yellow and dropped to the earth. The last farewell detour is taken highly in the sky by late cranes. They once again remind us that the fall came. Cranes depart and is sad курличут. In such days for any instant the soul is covered by light grief. We are dipped into reflections about sense of human existence. All this is signs of that there came most beautifully a season which was sung by poets, artists, composers. There came golden autumn.