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Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем Grsu, 26 фев 2010.

  1. Grsu

    Grsu New Member

    Помогите пожалуйста описать картинуПомогите пожалуйста описать картину P. Caucuin Flowers and a Bowl of fruit on a table 1.the subject; 2.thecomposition; 3.the colours; 4.the details; 5.the general impression of the pictures
  2. KasatkA

    KasatkA New Member

    1.still life2.graphic art3.yellow,pink,blue,red,brown,green,orange,white,grey,black.4.there is a table,on a table there is a vase.In this vase beautiful,magnificent flowers.Nearby with a vase there are two plateaus.In on of them lemons lie.5.i was imperessed by this beaty!this fruit,these magnificent flowers.They blossomed so brightly1 

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