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Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем marishamarishka, 7 янв 2010.

  1. marishamarishka

    marishamarishka New Member

    Помогите пожалуста написать письмо, только желательно правильно :** Нужно ответить вот на это письмо 100-120 слов) I have been to many differentcountries. now i have just returnedfrom Italy. it is wonderful country! I liked everythink there. I am thinking of travelling to Russia next summer.
  2. Largo

    Largo New Member

    Hi,the weather we have a good , warm clothes do not, then the heat as in Africa,come to visit us,I and my friends are waiting for you with impatience!You know,as without you bored,and you have how is the weather in Italy???Intersno спросить.Я love with you for a walk in the Park , remember how in the spring of?And in the summer too!!!!How many bright and unforgettable hassle and the relationships we have experienced with friends and about you I can say!!I already you with a month has ever seen!Come on just a little bit and to us , and something else without you we поумираем here. Okay bye!

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