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Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем Romchik, 23 фев 2010.

  1. Romchik

    Romchik New Member

    Помогите рассказ о моём хобби на английском языке,но не про спорт!
  2. @Nastya@

    @Nastya@ New Member

    My main hobby - reading. It is quite simple, for example, I love to read non-classical literature. This is one of my main hobbies.
         I will name my favorite authors: Sergei Lukyanenko, Roger Zelazny, JK Rowling, Eugene Gulyakovsky, Mayne Reid, Gerber Wales, John Bedankur, Cyrus Bulychev, and others. Often read fiction, although other types of books I read with great pleasure. My favorite pieces (one or two from the author, the other reason did not like or had no more famous and best-selling books): Vasily Orekhov "Line of Fire", "impact area", Roman Glushkov, "Cold Blood", Alexander Bushkov cycle " Piranha. "
         "The stalemate is not there at all. According to one of the legends of the Zone, this is Red Shukhov said to his companions for a few moments before they walled him live at the base of the concrete sarcophagus Fourth power ... "- read this passage from the book of Basil Smith" affected area "you can immediately understand the" category "books I've ever read, or ever again will.
         On average, I read 25 books for a year, beginning at age 11. On this basis, I even "ruined" his vision, while reading books helps communicate freely. Many will say that fiction does not fit for expanding horizons and other beneficial qualities that give us the classics. I will allow to disagree with this opinion. Fiction writers write a world-class, reading books where the main part - fiction - gives a big boost to the imagination.
         So any book, including fiction, have any instructive meaning for a reader or for humanity, although global and drastic changes in a generation, available only in the minds and visionaries in their books.
         Reading fiction - my hobby.

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