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Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем Витёк 2, 11 фев 2010.

  1. Витёк 2

    Витёк 2 New Member

    Помогите сократить предложения пожалуйста .I am king.I do not live in London.I have not got many friends.I have got two friends. They are a donkey and acat. The donkey does not like winter.He cannot play snowballs.It will be sanny. It will not be rainy. I will be happy to see you.
  2. prodon

    prodon New Member

    I'm king. I don't live in London. I haven't many friends. I have got two friends. They are donkey and a cat. The donkey doesn't like a winter. It can't play

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