Помогите с сочинением...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем Электроник, 9 янв 2010.

  1. Помогите с сочинением по английскому на тему : It is cruel to keep animals at the zoo
  2. Hexe

    Hexe New Member

    I think it is so cruel that people keep animals in cages at the zoo.Was it pleasure for you to be in this situation for example as hare's role!?you need to be free and different animals too...freedom is a big wonder!but in the zoo also people have ill or rair animals.people care of them.it is a big plus.But reserves are better.zooes made for publik and money.i don't like visit zooes.because many animals in it are don't happy.....как то так

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